1. Gumbel function
1.1. The probability density function(概率密度函数)
The probability density function (PDF) of gumbel distribution is,
where is the position index and the mode (众数)and is the scale index. The variance of gumbel distribution is .
1.2. The Cumulative density function (累计密度函数)
The cumulative density function (CDF) of gumbel distribution is,
CDF’s inverse function is,
2. KL (Kullback-Leibler) Divergence
2.1. Some Concepts
2.1.1. Self-Information
It can be thought of as an alternative way of expressing probability, much like odds or log-odds, but which has particular mathematical advantages in setting of information theory. It can be interpreted as quantifying the level of ‘surprise’ of a particular outcome. As it is such a basic quantify, it also appears in several other settings, such as the length of a message needed to transmit the event given an optimal source coding of random variable. Two Axiom
- A thing which more likely to happen contains less information. The thing definitely happen contains no information.
- Two things happen independently contains the information which is the sum of their information.
Thus the Self-Information is defined as
2.2. Entropy
The Expectation of Self-Information
2.3. Cross-Entropy
2.4. KL Divergence
If Q is known and P is learn-able, .
For more read the book Deep Learning page 47.
3. Balance Multitask Training
3.1. 论文中有的方法
Task Learning Using Uncertainty to Weigh Losses for Scene Geometry and Semantics
Multi-Task Learning as Multi-Objective Optimization
Multi-Task Learning Using Uncertainty to Weigh Losses for Scene Geometry and Semantics
Bounding Box Regression with Uncertainty for Accurate Object Detection
这些论文主要是一种不确定性的方法,从预测不确定性的角度引入 Bayesian 框架,根据各 个 loss 分量当前的大小自动设定其权重。
3.2. 利用 Focal loss
Dynamic Task Prioritization for Multitask Learning
这里主要想讲的是利用 focal loss 的方法,比较简单。
每个 task 都有一个 loss 函数和 KPI (key performance indicator)。KPI 其实就是任务 的准确率,kpi 越高说明这个任务完成得越好。
对于每个进来的 batch,每个 有个 。每个 Task i 还有个不同的 。那根据 Focal loss 的定义 ,。一般来说我们 取 2。
最后 ,loss 前面乘以得这个系数 FL,就是 一个自适应的权重,当任务完成得很好的时候,权重就比较小,不怎么优化这个 loss 了, 当任务完成得不好的时候,权重就会比较大。